Monday, April 30, 2012

Comparing Night and Fog to Maus

Night and Fog is a short film documentary that was filmed ten years after the liberation of Nazi concentration camps. The documentary describes the life of many prisoners who were held in the camps and features many of the buildings in Auschwitz.  Night and Fog also shows the remains of Auschwitz and describes the life of many prisoners.  Maus is a novel about one person's experience as a Jew during the Holocaust. Maus is a graphic novel about Art Spiegelman. It describes his troubled relationship with his father, and of the absence of his mother. Night and Fog and Maus both explain racial differences between Germans and Jews. Although Night and Fog is a documentary about the over all experience every one suffered through in Auschwitz, Maus is based on the experience of only one person, they both explain the suffering of innocent people during the Holocaust and Nazi brutality.

The Dismantling of Arbeit Macht Frei

Arbeit Macht Frei hung from the entrance gate of Auschwitz. Auschwitz was the largest Nazi concentration camp and extermination center. During the Holocaust, it was surrounded by high electric barbed wire fences, which were guarded by SS soldiers armed with machine guns and rifles. It is now a museum devoted to the memory of those who were murdered and held prisoner during World War II and the Holocaust. December 18, 2009 the Arbeit macht frei sign over the gate of Auschwitz was stolen.  After a three-day hunt and the arrest of five suspects, the sign was found cut into three pieces.  The sign represents a major historical importance to the Jewish people and is considered a tombstone for more than a million Jews.  After the theft, authorities replaced the stolen sign with a replica.  The original sign was found cut into three pieces. The Aftonbladet newspaper reported that the sign had been stolen by Polish thieves, who were working on behalf of a Swedish extremist group.  The group was hoping to sell the pieces of the sign and use the proceeds to finance a series of terror attacks to influence voters in the upcoming Swedish parliamentary elections.  March 18, 2010, Polish court sentenced three men to prison for stealing the sign.  They pleaded guilty. Museum authorities announced that the sign will not be returning to its old location, but will be shown in an enclosed room of the museum. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Virginia Woolf was a modern literature writer of the twentieth century.  In her essay, "Professions for Women" she talks about killing the angel in the house. The angel in the house is a theoretical idea of the perfect woman. Because the woman is an angel she is expected to act a certain way. She should be perfect. She has to put others before herself and her life is devoted  to pleasing others. She has to be selfless. "She sacrificed herself daily." This idea of the perfect woman forced other women to do and act the same.  Woolf was trying to encourage other women to fight against society and to be who they want to be. Woolf makes hints that she hates the idea of picturing herself as being "the angel in the house".  She indicates that only women can make a change for themselves. Woolf has inspired many women to think beyond the stereotypical idea that society has about women and to not let anyone's judgement discourage them on who they want to be. Woolf became a role model for women who did not want to be like "the angel in the house".